Moliere Plays

Moliere Plays

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About Moliere

Moliere, one of the most significant dramatists in French history, has managed for nearly four hundred years to remain a relevant and widely regarded playwright. This list of Moliere plays showcases some of his best plays. Born in the reign of King Louis XIV, he gave up an inevitable life behind a desk to pursue the then looked down on profession of becoming an actor.

He was a part of many prominent troupes in which he directed, acted and wrote. He managed, by harnessing his skills as a satirist, observer and philosopher to write plays for the people, and this is why they have outlasted many of his contemporaries whose plays are now dated and mostly left unread. He drew influence from established comedy traditions as well as harnessing new movements such as that of Italian comedy and commedia dell’ arte that were beginning to filter into France at that time. He created a unique form of theatre to display some of the most brilliant writing of comedy and farce, managing to hold a mirror up to society, unafraid of critiquing all areas of society.

Here is a list of what Stage Milk considers to be the best Moliere plays. All the plays listed here are absolutely wonderful, so get stuck in.

Best Moliere Plays

About the Author


is Stage Milk's core writer. He is a trained, Sydney based actor who writes the majority of our acting information.

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