To Be Or Not To Be… Book Review
…and everything else you should know from Shakespeare
Author: Liz Evers
Even before you open Liz Evers’, To Be Or Not To Be, you get a feel for what this book is about. The hard back copy is adorned in gold trimmings and has a faux-old english feel. The portrait of Shakespeare on the cover is staring at you reminding you not to take it all too seriously.
There are a lot of books on Shakespeare. Most fall into that trap of trying to cover too much; every detail, every hidden meaning, every quote. Shakespeare is intimidating. And for many, just boring. To Be Or Not To Be… is neither.
This book is a great starting point for those wanting to uncover more about Shakespeare. It’s light hearted and clearly laid out, and is a book you can return to again and again. What most people need is to be able to access Shakespeare without feeling overwhelmed, and this book does that well. If you are looking for a great christmas or birthday present or you want a book that gives you a quick overview of Shakespeare – this is your book.
Two others worth mentioning are Bill Bryson’s Shakespeare (a must read) and James Muirden’s Shakespeare Well Versed
If you are looking to easily get your head around Shakespeare, this book is a great starting point. Liz Evers’ covers the life of the man, his words, his plays, his sonnets, and even some great quotes to add to your arsenal.
An easy and fun way to gain insight into one of the greatest playwrights of all time.
For more on Shakespeare.
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