Voice Over Scripts | Commercial Voice Over Ideas and Scripts

Voice Over Scripts

Written by on | Voice Voice Acting

So you’re putting down a new voice reel, adding to an existing reel, or you’re simply looking to practice a few voice overs. Well: we’re here to help! We’ve put together some great voice over scripts for you to work on. We have listed a range of voice adverts that include soft sells, hard sells and more. It’s important to have a range within your voice reel. This doesn’t necessarily mean crazy voices and accents, but it is good to have a mix of different dynamics, pace, and range throughout. If you’re booking in some recording time, make sure you are thoroughly prepared before heading into the studio.

Voice acting can be a really lucrative occupation and having a great voice demo is the key to landing more auditions and more jobs! I recommend choosing 6-8 scripts for a reel. You never know which ones will turn out the best once they are properly produced with sound effects and music.

Note: You don’t want your voice reel to sound like every other actor in town, so change out the name of the product and feel confident tweaking the adverts. You can also write your own from scratch. In some scripts I have cut the brand and inserted [BRAND] you can therefore play with whatever you like! 

Commercial Voice Over Scripts

commercial voice over scripts for actors

Introduction for your Voice Reel

It’s important to give your reel a short introduction. Keep your intro simple, upbeat and direct. Something like this works great:

Hi I’m [First Name] and this is my voice reel.

Hi I’m [Full Name] and this is my demo.

Note: You can be more creative here, but I like these simple options as they add some contrast to the more colourful entries on your reel.

Upbeat Voice Ads


Want to try something new?
Want to meet like-minded individuals?
Sign up for a workshop, short course, or summer intensive today.
To find the perfect program for you, visit [BRAND].com.au

Car Dealership

Slap on the sunscreen, turn up the music. Summer is here!
No matter how you beat the heat, there is no beating the scorching deals across all new, demo, and used vehicles at [CAR DEALERSHIP] four day Summer Sale.

Health Brand

I don’t consider [HEALTH BRAND] a diet, because I still have the freedom to eat what I want!
With my lifestyle, juice and shakes just won’t cut it. I have to feel energised and focused to keep achieving my goals.
[HEALTH BRAND] allows me the freedom to build healthy habits and to not feel like I am on a diet!

Adventure Brand

Looking for a great adventure on the [LOCATION]?
Well, that’s easy!
For a jam-packed adventure day on the water, it’s got to be [BRAND] A great day for the whole family!

Convenience Store

So it’s 1:00 in the morning … and you’re starving.
Nothing in the fridge, and nothing in the cupboards.
You think about cooking, but then you remember the fire you started last time you tried using the stove.
Well, check out [STORE]. They have everything from burgers to tacos … 24 hours a day … 7 days a week.
[STORE]: think of it as your own personal walk-in kitchen.


A living room or a launch pad, where would you rather be? From your place to out of space, sitting with your family, it isn’t fantasy…

Seductive Voice Ads


I’ll tell you a secret. Seductive, tempting, and irresistibly smooth.
Only a chocolate this pure could last this long on my lips.
Fall to your knees and savour the taste of [BRAND] salted caramel swirl.
My secret. My [BRAND].


Do you have any idea how luxurious [BRAND] feels against your skin?
It’s soft and soothing—a cool morning breeze on a perfect, hidden beach.
Give yourself the ultimate indulgence.
Try the silky perfection of [BRAND].

Medical Voice Ads


Headaches.  We all get them. We all wish they would go away.
Luckily, there 
is a solution: [BRAND].
I just take two, and there’s no more tension, no more throbbing, no more pain.  My headache completely gone.
[BRAND]: relief you can rely on.

Joint Pain

They say you’re only as young as you feel.
This can be tough, when 40% of Australians over 55 complain of daily joint pain.
With [BRAND], you can feel confident about the tennis court, the golf course, the game of tag with your grandkids.
[BRAND]: Get back out there and start living.

Skin Care

If I say “summer”, you might say “barbecue”, “family” or “football in the yard”.
Something you might not think of is getting a skin check-up.
See one of the doctors at [CLINIC] today for a free consultation.
And you can head into summer with the confidence you deserve. [CLINIC].

Soft/ Emotional Voice Overs

Pet Adoption Service

We all need that special someone.
Someone to make you laugh. Someone to listen.
Someone to appreciate your cooking, but also to get you off the couch.
Someone to be your best friend.
Adopt your special someone today at [BRAND].

Donating Blood

Did you know that one in three of us will need blood, or blood products, at some point in our lives?
Yet only 1 in 30 Australians actually donate blood.
Be the type to help save lives. Do something special. Give blood today.

Fire Safety

It’s bushfire season, and for a lot of families that means hoping for the best, and planning for the worst.
Have your fire safety plan in place this summer, or you might leave more than just memories behind.

Activism/Social Cause

Change is coming, whether they choose to accept it or not.
And the damage being done by climate change is now too great to ignore.
For those who put coal before people, no more excuses:
Change is coming, will you be part of it?

Real Person

Hey, my name’s Tom.
I drive the same route to my kid’s cricket game every Saturday.
I’m a safe driver. Hands at 2 and 10, the whole lot.
But last time, this motorbike he just appeared out of nowhere. Gave each other a real fright.
Look out for yourself on the road, yeah? Look out for motorbikes.

NOTE: these scripts are for educational purposes and are not to be replicated. Please do not use these scripts in your voice demos, or for any public use.

Voice Over Tips

#1 Nail the Tag. The tag is very important. By tag I mean the final line of each ad which includes either the product or the brand, or both. Always aim for clarity here. Generally speaking we also have a nice big smile through the brand name, which just gives the read a beautiful warmth.

#2 Have at least one scene. Having a voice over script that includes another actor can give your reel a professional lift. See if you can bring in another actor to record with you on the day. Ideally get someone of the opposite sex, or with a very different voice.

#3 Keep it short. Don’t go over 1.30 for a first reel, even less (1 minute) in some countries. Keep them wanting more!

If you want to learn more about voice over and are based in Sydney, we run a weekly voice over class at our studio. Get in touch: [email protected]


About the Author

Andrew Hearle

is the founder of StageMilk. Andrew trained at the Western Australian Academy of Performing Arts, and is now a Sydney-based actor working in Theatre, Film and Television.

One response to “Voice Over Scripts”

  1. Avatar Richard says:

    Hi Andrew,

    Just found your site and wanted to say what a great job you’ve done !
    I’m fairly new to VO and in desperate need of creating a reel, so looking for scripts.
    Am I ok to use any of the scripts on your site, or at least tweak them ?
    Any advice or help would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks Andrew



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