Biff Monologue (Act Two)
Death of a Salesman (1949) by Arthur Miller is one of the greatest plays of all time. Despite being close to a century old, it tackles the American Dream peerlessly—warning against belief and trust in...
Working on a Shakespeare monologue? Here’s our database of Shakespearean monologues that we’ve broken down, translated and explained. We’ve done all the hard work for you!
Get stuck into many of Shakespeare’s iconic monologues and learn how to truly bring them to life. These pages are all broken down by professional actors, who in many cases have played the roles. The monologues unpacked team includes Damien Strouthos, Jess Tovey and Andrew Hearle.
Death of a Salesman (1949) by Arthur Miller is one of the greatest plays of all time. Despite being close to a century old, it tackles the American Dream peerlessly—warning against belief and trust in...
Let’s break down Queen Margaret’s monologue from Act 1 Scene 3 of Richard the III. One of Shakespeares best known villains, Richard the III titular play is one filled with family drama, politics, war, cutting...
Ever had to tell your best friend some unfortunate and unbelievable news? Like you just saw their dead dad as a ghost? You might relate to this speech by Horatio from Hamlet. Initially, this role...
A deceptively difficult speech from the first act of Macbeth, this wonderfully epic tale of battle comes to us from the mouth of a character who we are meeting for the first time and we...
The truth is, strange as it may be, Benedick loves nothing in the world so much as he loves Beatrice BUT it’s going to take him some time and some meddling tomfoolery to figure that...
Today we’re going to take a look at Malvolio’s letter monologue from Act 2, Scene 5 of Twelfth Night by William Shakespeare. In this monologue we’ll find dramatic irony, comedy, character and, in a big...
Hello all! And welcome to another monologues unpacked, this time for The Jailer’s Daughter Monologue in Act 2 Scene 6 of The Two Noble Kinsmen. Looking for high stakes action? Looking for a character riding...
Today we’re going to be breaking down a speech from Act 4, Scene 4 of William Shakespeare’s historical tragedy Richard III by none other than Queen Margaret of Anjou. This is one of Shakespeare’s most...
Today let’s take a look at this Goneril Monologue from Act 1, Scene 3 of King Lear by William Shakespeare. King Lear is argued by many to be the greatest of Shakespeare’s tragedies and for...
Today we’re going to be taking a look at one of the most beloved monologues in all of Shakespeare. Lady Macbeth, Act 5, Scene 1, otherwise known as ‘Out damn’d spot’. There is a reason...