Vocal Books

Vocal Books

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Why Vocal Books?

This is a list of the best vocal books. An actor and his voice cannot be separated. A dynamic voice is essential to be a dynamic actor. Having a strong, flexible and well trained voice is one of the most important elements of the actors instrument. I cannot recommend these books highly enough. Young actors today are letting vocal skills be pushed aside and it is devastating. If you are keen to get some practical exercises immediately, check out our page of articulation exercises.

Here is a list of what we think are the best vocal books to help you understand more about your voice and methods to help improve it. All these books include a combination of vocal information and practical exercises. All these books are available on our affiliate site, amazon.com. The link is at the bottom of the page. It is by far the best on-line book store.

Best Vocal Books

About the Author


is Stage Milk's core writer. He is a trained, Sydney based actor who writes the majority of our acting information.

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